The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game (五等分の花嫁カードゲーム) Singles
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Ichika Nakano Nino Nakano Miku Nakano Yotsuba Nakano Itsuki Nakano Fuutarou Uesugi
Introducing the The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game
The immensely popular series “The Quintessential Quintuplets(5-toubun no Hanayome)” with over 20 million copies sold, is now a card game supervised by the original author Negi Haruba! Enjoy intense 1-on-1 battles as the quintuplets compete for Futaro’s heart. In this game, where strategy and luck are key, the first player to secure three brides wins.
Additionally, the rare SSSP cards feature exclusive illustrations by Negi Haruba and luxurious foil-stamped serial numbers, making them a must-have for collectors. The game also includes illustrations by the anime studio and foil-stamped autographs from the cast. Enjoy special moments with the quintuplets!
The release date is October 18, 2024. Pre-orders are now open! Reserve your copy today and dive into this enchanting world!
The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Rankings
New55.00The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol.2 Booster Box
224.45五つ子の三女 中野 三玖 GYC-BP1-015P1 Foil & Signed
New59.00The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol. 1 Booster Box
168.89変わりゆく日々 中野 三玖 GYC-BP2-015P1 Foil
202.68変わりゆく日々 中野 二乃 GYC-BP2-008P1 Foil
162.50変わりゆく日々 中野 四葉 GYC-BP2-022P1 Foil
262.50五つ子の五女 中野 五月 GYC-BP1-029P1 Foil & Signed
58.50変わりゆく日々 中野 五月 GYC-BP2-029P Foil & Stamped
Pre-Order74.12The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol.3 Booster Box
64.75変わりゆく日々 中野 三玖 GYC-BP2-015P Foil & Stamped
Not Available変わりゆく日々 中野 二乃 GYC-BP2-008P2 SSSP Foil & Signed
Not Available五つ子の長女 中野 一花 (シリアルナンバー入り) GYC-BP1-001P2 Foil
NewNot Available【1 Carton】The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol. 1 Booster Box(Resale)
New600.00【1 Case/12 Boxes】The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol.2 Booster Box
Not Available中野 三玖 GYC-SD3-006P Foil & Stamped
Not Available中野 一花 GYC-SD1-006P Foil & Stamped
400.00中野 二乃 GYC-SD2-006P Foil & Stamped
Not Available中野 四葉 GYC-SD4-006P Foil & Stamped
262.50五つ子の五女 中野 五月 GYC-BP1-029P1 Foil & Signed
Not Available五つ子の次女 中野 二乃 GYC-BP1-008P1 Foil & Signed
Not Available中野 五月 GYC-SD5-006P Foil & Stamped
224.45五つ子の三女 中野 三玖 GYC-BP1-015P1 Foil & Signed
212.50五つ子の長女 中野 一花 GYC-BP1-001P1 Foil & Signed
202.68変わりゆく日々 中野 二乃 GYC-BP2-008P1 Foil
188.89五つ子の四女 中野 四葉 GYC-BP1-022P1 Foil & Signed
168.89変わりゆく日々 中野 三玖 GYC-BP2-015P1 Foil
162.50変わりゆく日々 中野 四葉 GYC-BP2-022P1 Foil
152.95変わりゆく日々 中野 一花 GYC-BP2-001P1 Foil
150.00変わりゆく日々 中野 五月 GYC-BP2-029P1 Foil
133.08五つ子の三女 中野 三玖 GYC-BP1-015P Foil & Stamped
127.49人生が変わり始めたきっかけ GYC-PR-012 PRSP Stamped
New77.65The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Start Deck Nino Nakano
NewNot AvailableThe Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Start Deck Miku Nakano
Pre-Order74.12The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol.3 Booster Box
71.25五つ子の五女 中野 五月 GYC-BP1-029P Foil & Stamped
71.00妨害準備万全! GYC-SD2-013P Foil
69.17五つ子の四女 中野 四葉 GYC-BP1-022P Foil & Stamped
64.75変わりゆく日々 中野 三玖 GYC-BP2-015P Foil & Stamped
64.75伝えたい気持ち 中野 四葉 GYC-PR-026P1 PRSP Foil & Stamped
64.75伝えたい気持ち 中野 二乃 GYC-PR-024P1 PRSP Foil & Stamped
59.88五つ子の次女 中野 二乃 GYC-BP1-008P Foil & Stamped
New59.00The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol. 1 Booster Box
58.50惹きつける魅力 GYC-PR-006 PRSP Stamped
58.50変わりゆく日々 中野 五月 GYC-BP2-029P Foil & Stamped
58.50伝えたい気持ち 中野 五月 GYC-PR-027P1 PRSP Foil & Stamped
58.50伝えたい気持ち 中野 三玖 GYC-PR-025P1 PRSP Foil & Stamped
New57.65The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Start Deck Yotsuba Nakano
Not Available宙を舞う胚芽米 GYC-SD2-010P Foil
New55.00The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Vol.2 Booster Box
53.50変わりゆく日々 中野 一花 GYC-BP2-001P Foil & Stamped
Not Available予期せぬ来客 GYC-SD5-014P Foil
Not Available問題です! GYC-SD4-014P Foil
Not Available暑さの理由 GYC-SD1-014P Foil
46.13変わりゆく日々 中野 二乃 GYC-BP2-008P Foil & Stamped
46.00変わりゆく日々 中野 四葉 GYC-BP2-022P Foil & Stamped
Not Available(USED) 五等分の花嫁 カードゲーム スタートデッキ 中野四葉
Not Available(USED) 五等分の花嫁 カードゲーム スタートデッキ 中野一花
39.75五つ子の長女 中野 一花 GYC-BP1-001P Foil & Stamped