Yu-gi-oh OCG Evil Twin/Live Twin sleeves

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  • Tyler Pieper
    Hi! I'm looking to purchase the official konami Live Twin sleeves shown here, https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1426151556076904454 . They are not available in my country at all, and I'm willing to pay whatever necessary to get these. If you can help, that would be immensely appreciated! I only need one pack of these sleeves so if there needs to be a fee for a special order, I understand.

  • Shingo Iwakiri STAFF
    Thank you for your message

    We are sorry that we cannot find requested item. There are no stock any other shops and auctions now.
    We can sell it if it is sold at auction.

    Please feel free to ask if you have any other requests.

    Shingo Iwakiri

  • Tyler Pieper
    Thank you! if you happen to find an auction with it, please let me know and I'll buy it from you right away!

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